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Summer Holiday

时间:2021-07-21 | 作者:优百分

  The summer vacation is about the same as I imagined.

  At the end of the final exam, I went on a tour. I didn't come back on the closed day, so I asked my classmates to help me get my transcript. Look at the teacher's comments, feel that the teacher is really lazy, the comments are almost every year... I can be able to calculate, the language is progress, but the math is a bit bad, it is only second points higher out of the district... Summer vacation I want to make good math. English is a little bit higher than last semester, but it is not enough.

  At twelve o'clock last night, my custom painter sent me a message, I replied, she said that you did not sleep, I laughed, I did not sleep well, basically every day insomnia, maybe because I drink coffee and strong tea every day. I also read a lot of books on how to treat insomnia, but I don't like to drink milk, and I don't like to drink before going to bed.

  I am sensitive and suspicious. I often think about it. I feel like I passed away very quickly. The strangest thing is that I didn't get up in the morning.

  I have been like this for several years. During the summer and winter vacation, I am "nocturnal". Although I am used to it, I still worry that the school will not be adjusted.

上一篇: 我的奇思妙想
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