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Interesting Russian

时间:2021-07-21 | 作者:优百分

  A few years ago, when my father worked in Russia, I often heard some interesting stories about Russia. I was curious and admired the name. What is the rise of such a powerful country? That's about their character.

  The Russians are in the cold Nordic region. The grim weather has further stimulated their courage and bravery in the blood. Because of the cold weather, they love to drink, and alcohol magnifies their natural romantic feelings. So Russia is strong in a lot of "rigid" fields, such as heavy industry, such as military, but their informal characteristics also lead to the lag of light industry. At the same time, their inherent artistic temperament has also created a lot of monuments in the field of art, such as literature, the Russian literature is not good, Golgi, Tolstoy, pushkin, these names are enough to shine the history of literature. They are not only literature, but also proficient in music, dance and so on.

  China is also developing rapidly. We hope that China and Russia will maintain good relations and learn from each other and make progress.

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